
Wild Boss: By The Barrel

Wild Boss: Barrel Aged Sour Session Wheat

Expanding our barrel program over the last several years has opened up a whole new world of experimentation and creativity for us. We’ve been able to watch our mixed-culture grow and mature as well as test out new (to us) brett strains. This diversity has given Blue Owl an opportunity to try our hand at blending; a luxury we have not been fortunate enough to have in the past because of such limited to quantities. Blending allows us to be able to release new beers without depleting our stock. With all that in mind, we’re very excited to present this year’s version of Wild Boss.

Wild Boss is the second full-batch offering from our barrel program. Like everything here at Blue Owl, we start with wort soured using grain. That Little Boss wort gets knocked out into stainless steel fermentation vessels before being transferred into Balcones Whiskey barrels (We love that place!). From there, we separately pitched several different brettanomyces (“wild yeast”) strains. These barrels are heavily charred but after many uses have left them with very little whisky flavors. The beer spent the first six months in these barrels taking on a heavy oak character before being transferred into cabernet sauvignon barrels for another six months of aging.

The resulting beer is floral and fruity with plenty of oak. It has an elegant, soft funk and a little tartness that is very drinkable.

Wild Boss is 3.8% and 50 SU. For the time being, it’ll be only be available on draft in the taproom. We really hope y’all enjoy! Cheers!