In January 2022 we held a Test Batch Flight Focus Group and asked you to try a few new beers we were working on. We wanted to hear your feedback so we could keep improving and produce more beers that YOU like. Well, friend, the time has come and those beers are about to be released into the wild!
So, grab a cold one and read what Co-Owner/Executive Brewer Jeff Young has put together based on your input and the end beer results.
Kölsch Recipe
(2 versions: American hop and German hop)
Rating: 6.6/10.
Divided room, “depends on if you wanna go more classic or contemporary.” The primary concern was a malty sweetness that arose from the kettle scorching. This wouldn’t be a problem on the large steam system.
Final Outcome: We chose a different hop altogether, Hallertau Mittelfrüh, making it more classic. Keeping the malt light and drinkable. This batch is in the tank and tasting great!
Release date for Yessiree Bob’s Spring Kölsch is April 12th. It will be available on draft and in six-packs.
Tropícal Brut Recipe
Final Outcome: Chose a different yeast altogether, Kveik Hornindal, with less açaí, more mango, and a drier base. The Hornindal is an amazing yeast that blasts its own tropical flavors in it. This batch is in the tank and despite a scare about not drying out enough, it’s down to 1.001 gravity and tasting 10x better than either test batch.
Release date for Tropícal Brut is April 5th. It will be available on draft and in six-packs.
Tahitian Lime Pie Recipe
(1 version)
Rating: 7.7/10
Generally liked but fell too sweet and the flavors need to be re-balanced.
Final Outcome: still pending as more test batches are needed and this won’t be released until summer.
Lime In The Coconut Recipe
(1 version, named Agua de Cenote at the time of the Test Batch Flight)
Rating: 7.8/10
Most liked out of the Test Batch Flight. Coconut had kind of a weird flavor. A little on the sweet side.
Final Outcome: This one was reimagined a little bit. It went from 6.2% ABV to 8.3% ABV and we also added more hops. The result will be a “bigger” beer with a cleaner coconut, bright lime, and a big Motueka/Sabro hop combo.
Release date for Lime In The Coconut is April 26th. It will be available on draft and in 16oz 4-packs to-go.